Sunday, August 27, 2017

The Blur of August

Well, school's back in session so I'm on that breakneck pace that starts each weekday at 5 a.m. and runs full steam ahead until I'm back home around 4 p.m. too tired to do much aside from collapsing.

Three weeks in and I'm still in the teacher's honeymoon zone, in love with my students, the school, and my place amongst them.

My youngest packed up and went back to college.  I miss him, but I know he does not miss me or being home. He's out in his adventure, as he should be.

Not a lovely picture, but a true one.

On the weekends, I've been catching up on house cleaning (joy!) and trying to relax.  Last night, for example, I joined one of my dearest friends for a few rounds of bowling.  My bowling is abysmal, but that doesn't stop me from loving to play.  (I'm horrid at ping-pong too, but I don't like that so much because I end up chasing that infernally light-weight, nervous little ball all over the room.)

Look!  She has her own old style bowling shoes.  I am soooo envious!
I know this isn't much to write and the pictures are only so-so, but I wanted to check in at least.  Hope you are doing well!

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