Sunday, October 11, 2020


Today is cloudy and all over rain. Twenty minutes clear, twenty minutes showers. Last night it poured and flooded the backyard and pond. It's the usual autumn edges of hurricane. Limbs and detritus are everywhere, but it is too wet to go out and clean up. The pond is the color of milky tea. Poor fish.

I planted some mustard green seeds that came free with seeds I ordered back in the summer.  We'll see if the heavy rain washed them away. Some volunteer green beans were growing too, so I closed them in to my experiment garden plot as well.  Maybe we'll get some beans.

Another experiment I'm trying is windowsill herbs. I am not sure these will actually grow, but it is worth a try I guess. 

My dear husband surprised me by buying me some more of these little notebooks. (He knows how I love notebooks!)

One of them is missing here because it is at school. Another one has pond notes in it--like dates and PH and KH measurements, etc.  The rest are empty. I just love them. You think a person could write a whole novel in these? I bet they could. I used to fill up loads of notebooks before I started typing everything. 

These notebooks remind me of a little old man I used to see in cafes and bars around town. He would be sitting alone writing in a little notebook. Always. I wondered what he was writing. But I never asked. That was years and years ago. 

I keep these notebooks in a crocheted basket I made a couple of years ago. (And never weaved in the end! It is still holding together with a clip--haha.) I love the color and texture of this yarn so much. It is Lion Brand Wool Ease Thick and Quick. I bought some to make a sweater. Of course, I'm waiting for the weather to cool down before starting that project.


Both my boys thought they might have had Covid last weekend. Two of them at once, living in different cities. I haven't seen them in months. It was frightening, but they got tested and both tests came back negative.  What disturbing times.

I hope all is well in your world. 

Here is a picture taken on a sunnier day. We grew the orange pumpkins, but I had to cut them off the vine too soon because of burrowing beetles. I wasn't sure they'd hold together until October, but they did!


1 comment:

  1. Wow those pumpkins! I would put a sign beside them saying I had grown them myself! Hope you are well, these are strange times, least little thing with me I am just sure I Have the virus, not good time for anxious nervous wrecks like me! LOL!Take care!
