Sunday, March 6, 2022

An Early Spring

 I'm not sure what the groundhog saw this year, but around here, it is spring.

We spent time today setting up a new raised bed and planting peas. I am so pleased with how tidy this garden area looks!

As the summer progresses, this area gets very tropical looking with all the crazy plants that come up. In fact, much of the fence will be barely visible! Right now, kale, radishes, broad beans, and carrots are growing. They are all really taking off now that it is warm.

I was thrilled to see this carrot! I've never in my life actually grown a carrot from seed. This was a fabulous first! 

The flower garden is all still pretty sleepy and a mess. Little by little I will get it in order too. I enjoy being outside working , smelling the jasmine today and hearing a pair of hawks calling to each other as they flew overhead.

Yesterday I went for a hike. It was slow and easy. Another nice day outdoors. I love this time of year when the hike starts out and its cold and everyone wants to get moving to warm up, and then midway you de-layer if you aren't too sweaty (because then you get all cold again). I love that no insects swarm at you. But, I do miss the leaves. Soon though, the wild flowers will be coming up. I don't want to miss them this year. I often miss them in the woods because spring is my busy yard work time.

Noses Creek

Noses Creek Trail

It's another busy week coming up. Lots of school and meetings. I've got one sleeve left on my forsythia sweater. Maybe I will get it finished this week. Well, that's a pretty big maybe. We'll see.