Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Pine Pollen

It seems to have come early this year.  Way up at the top of the pine trees are these little yellow clusters of pine tree perpetuation.

Just look at all of them!  Millions of these jubilantly burst their yellow pine dust and shower it everywhere as spring arrives.  The air literally glitters with pollen.  It covers everything.

As I wandered around in my backyard, the intoxicating smell of wisteria wafted on the breeze.

Nature is all early green and gold.  (Really, I shouldn't be tramping around the ivy in flip-flops.  Too unstable and not snake proof--though honestly, I'd be delighted to see a snake.)


  1. "Millions of these jubilantly burst their yellow pine dust and shower it everywhere as spring arrives. The air literally glitters with pollen."

    Isn't that amazing. Nature is telling us that he has all the riches in the world..

  2. Wow, I see what you mean about the pollen. Our pines seem to pollinate much more quietly than that.

    Flip-flops! (And I haven't seen my toes since October.)

    Love that last shot up through the trees.
