Friday, June 12, 2020

Summer's Rhythm

Away from the disturbing headlines and ongoing turbulence and general unease, home life moves with a slow rhythm.

Like a lot of people, I am walking in my neighborhood and working in my yard. I'm watching parent birds feed baby birds, reading books, and knitting. Doing things not so differently than I would normally do in the summer.

I finished a pair of Rye Light socks using 40" circulars because the yarn kept falling off my double pointed needles. This is my 4th pair of socks! I have tried short circulars, long circulars, and dpn's. I think I prefer long circulars, but the other ways have been fun too. I have decided I really like making socks because you have this not too "thinky" part, and then a bit where you have to focus with the heal, then a not too "thinky" part again, and voila--you are finished.  Kind of perfect.

These turned out a little longer than I planned, and a little looser. Even though the yarn (an alpaca, wool, nylon blend) says to lay them flat to dry, I will send them through the dryer. I think/hope they'll be fine. ?!

This container of flour was nearly full and then, I guess I was holding it wrong as I wrestled it out of the pantry because it OPENED and--well, you can see how much splatted out. It was all over me and the floor and the stuff like emergency water and reusable shopping bags on the pantry floor. The dog came over and walked in it to see what was going on. WHAT A MESS!
But, I have time right? And so, I got it cleaned up and made a lovely dough (part wheat flour) for a kind of overly fancy focaccia.

I was so happy to find yeast finally at the store. I guess everyone is making bread. And no wonder! It was REALLY satisfying to knead the dough. I haven't done it for the longest time.

The flowers in the garden are really over the top this year--it must have been the super wet winter we had.  And the vegetables have taken off too. 

I got 4 cucumber plants this year instead of 2 because I ordered vegetables from a curbside service who only had them available in 4 packs. All my vegetables this year came like that. Sight unseen, ordered over the internet and picked up. So--now I have loads of cucumbers. My husband is delighted and went to work right away putting them up in pickling spice to make half sour pickles. He loves them!

I think the quarantine has made many of us a little bit more like poets, given us time to contemplate nature and the cycle of life. Don't you think?


  1. Your cukes are gorgeous along with your flowers! And those socks! Wow, they knock my socks off! HA HA! (I mean it though.)
    Now, have you seen photos of Focaccia bread where it is turned into art? It is really something! Folks take tomatoes, onions, yellow and red peppers, bits of chives, mushrooms...etc and what they create is truly beautiful! Check it out! I just know you could do it! You will be an artist with bread!

  2. Ooh, lovely clematis and iris and gladiol! (Gladiolus? Gladiolas? Must look that up.)

    I miss making bread dough. We've both had to give up gluten, and the alternatives just aren't the same. The focaccia looks delicious.

    What a pretty rich green those socks are. I like the pattern - is that reverse stockinette on the front, or garter stitch? It's quietly striking.

    Stay healthy and enjoy your summer!

  3. P.S. Clematis - what was I thinking! I meant that purple flower, though its name is obviously escaping me. It reminds me of bellflowers. Balloon flower? That sounds right. 😃
