Tuesday, April 23, 2019

After the Buffer Zone?

I have for some time been in a dilemma about what to do with this blog.  So, I took a break and thought.

I started "Notes from the Buffer Zone" because it was about my neighborhood--what we called "the buffer zone"--the last 'good' street before the scrappy one.  Well, gradually the scrappy neighborhood got torn down and redeveloped and little by little the buffer zone itself got was torn down, house by house.
Last spring, my next door neighbors tore down their own house and began to build a mega-house.  This affected me more dramatically than I would have realized. I loved that little house next door! And then the neighbor on the other side moved and their house was being redeveloped. So--I really couldn't take it.  I have never been one who wanted to live in a big house, or even a brand new house. I didn't even want to live in that kind of neighborhood. So--
I left.
We moved.
After 30 years in one little cottage with a rambling crazy yard, we left.
And the people who bought our house will tear it down. (Although they haven't yet because they have to wait some slated time period before they can cut down the trees.  Oh! The trees.  Twenty or more.)

But anyway.

So, how can I call this blog "Notes from the Buffer Zone"? Is it possible to retitle it? Maybe use "After the Buffer Zone"?

Anyway, my after is just right. I have a pond--home to fish and birds and frogs. And flowers, flowers, flowers--exotic and lovely and a happy everyday surprise as they burst through the ground and grow and bloom.  So--onward I will go with this blog.

1 comment:

  1. You could call it "Notes From The OTHER Zone"!
    Hope you are happy in your new home! I love your pond. We put out water for our birds...we just use the bottoms of plastic pots. Guess what, we saw on the Audubon Society that is what they recommend! I think they got that idea from me. LOL.
    Glad you are keeping up your blog, I don't have much time to blog these days but I am plugging along anyway. :-)
