Wednesday, May 29, 2019

A Year of Knitting

Last summer I decided it would be the summer I learned to knit socks.  I followed the Winwick Mum sock tutorial.  I got as far as the heel flap and had to rip out several times. 

The needles were narrow and the yarn was thin.  I lost track of stitches over and over again and got frustrated and frogged the whole thing.
It turned out not to be a summer to learn how to knit socks. Too many other things were going on!

I bought a pattern for an easy garter-stitch shawl and started in on that, but lost interest as I am prone to do and instead crocheted up a chunky basket using thick yarn and a big hook. This was very satisfying!

Using the same yarn, but in a different color, I knitted up a dog sweater for my sweet pit-bull who has that super short hair which makes me cold to look at him. (No pictures yet of him wearing it--it got too warm for it as soon as it was off the needles--of course!)

I figured, by then, if I could handle the dog sweater--which involved some creative shaping to get over his big chest and then taper down his narrow waist--I could go back to the socks.  Which I did.
Obviously I am not worried about being matchy matchy.

The "good" heel flap

I ended up with one heel flap being much more tightly knit than the other (which is not visible in the picture--nor will anyone else really ever notice since that bit is inside the shoe). I am sure this was probably due to beginners anxiety as this was the area I had had so much trouble with starting out.

At the end of all this, I was ready to finish up the shawl.  It is the Beachcomber shawl from Knit Picks. I like it, but it is an unusual shape.  I am going to soak it and block it and see how it looks when it grows a little.  
Once I got going, it did not take long to make.  I like the colors a lot and the overall feel of it.  I messed up on one of the stripes--made it the wrong color.  But I can't even find where I did that anymore.  Now I just need to go the beach and try it out!

Lots of stripes = lots of ends to weave

This picot edge was particularly fun to do.

My mom got me a sock pattern and some yarn for my birthday. And I am ready to go again with socks--although I think I will use the Winwick Mum pattern again now that I have the hang of it.

The magnolia tree is blossoming, and we keep bringing in a bloom and setting it on the big table. The subtle scent is the smell of the beginning of summer in the south.

1 comment:

  1. The socks look great! Kudos for not giving up. (I've knitted three socks in my lifetime and that has been enough for me. Maybe some day I'll try again.) I've read that doing the same bits one after the other can help with tension problems - as in, working both ankles, then both heels, etc. That might explain the popularity of TAAT....

    Lovely shawl too, and fun basket. Crochet seems so quick and satisfying and safe to me, whereas knitting seems fraught with peril. (All those loops create so much scope for disaster.)

    The magnolia blossom takes me back to my SoCal childhood. Such luscious flowers.
