Monday, July 6, 2020

Small Projects

This week we had a lot of fish die in the pond. I was finding about one a day swept up in the basket near the filter.  We had to go at once to the pond store near us. There, we found out a lot about KH and adding carbonate to the water to keep it safe for the fish. Each day we run a test from a simple test kit to make sure the water in the tube turns blue. The goal is to add 8 or more drops and keep the sample blue. If it turns yellow, there isn't enough carbonate and the water is dangerous for fish.
Our water turned yellow right away!

The cure is easy enough. You have to add baking soda--like by the pound--to the water. So, we have been doing this amateur science all week.

It was also a week for more sock knitting. I am using Staci Perry's pattern for socks knitted on flexible double pointed needles. I really like the way these needles bend. It solves the problem of stretching all the stitches at the start when using a small circular, stitches falling off regular double points, and sliding all that extra cord with magic loop. I still like all the other methods, but I like this one too--maybe best so far.

This is also my first pair of toe-up socks. I love the cast on for this. However, I think my sock is a bit too long in the foot. Making this toe-up and on flexi-flips, I just wasn't able to find a comfortable way to try the sock on as I knit. I went by measurement rather than trying it on, so it is a little long.  I think. I will have to get them both made and blocked to be sure. If they are too long, it is only by a wee bit, so no big deal. 

I love the stripes. This is a self striping yarn I got from Knit Picks called Felici. I love that you can order two balls and get two matching socks. Super easy!

Water lilies in front of the pond supply place!

This was a difficult 4th of July for many reasons. I struggle each day to keep focused on the small sweetnesses in life and not let fear of sickness and the unknown overwhelm me. I guess a lot of us are like that.

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