Saturday, January 1, 2022

A New Year


Kennesaw Mountain

A few weeks ago I did a sunrise hike. It was wonderful to be outside in the cold! And it was actually cold that morning--in the 30s. All morning I wished I had worn gloves, but foolishly, I left them in the car!

It was a fast paced, ten mile hike that kicked my butt, but I was so proud that I did it. The goal was to start at 7 a.m. and finish by 11:30. When I came down the mountain and looked at my watch, it was 11:28! I felt so victorious, I did a little happy dance.

The hikes here are pretty urban unless I drive an hour or more. But wooded places abound, and I've been hiking pretty regularly each week or so.  Winter hikes are especially nice because the trails are clear of poison ivy (mostly) and insects aren't swarming at you. I also love the gray and silver skies and trees. 

Near the Chattahoochee at Pace's Ferry

Sweetwater Creek

Sweetwater Creek

 I was so happy to see this camellia blooming. All summer bits of his limbs died and the leaves looked dull in the fall.  I thought for sure I had lost him (it is his first year). Then, yesterday, I saw these sweet blossoms. I have my fingers crossed that this is a good sign!

Of course, the older, mature, camellia's are blooming right on time. I am waiting for my peppermint striped one to bloom. She's another struggler, but full of buds. She's two years old and a little one nearby (about three years old I'd guess--not planted by me) died unexpectedly in the summer along with a lovely oak leaf hydrangea in the same area. So mysterious and sad. (*Why is a plant a he or a she? My random brain just does that!)

January and 75 degrees today. !!! The anoles were out on my back porch. I guess winter is happening over in Portland.

I hope this new year brings better things than 2021. I guess everyone is thinking that. This has been a particularly difficult winter for my family and friends. 

I hope this blog can bring a little bit of cheerfulness to the world as so many of your blogs bring a smile to me.


  1. You walked ten miles at 7am and no comments! Thank you for calling by my blog. Call again. Jo x

  2. Happy New Year!so beautiful written you. So wonderful place. Nice crack, beautiful Camilla blooming,
    You walked ten miles in four hours. Nice walling. I like.
